Domina to Donna:
Two Millennia of Italian Women.
From Roman empress Agrippina Minor to Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini, this ten week course focuses on women who acquired fame for their contributions to art, literature, philosophy, and the active life of public affairs. We will examine the biographies of prominent figures, such as Caterina da Siena and Artemisia Gentileschi, along with unsung women whose achievements deserve to be equally celebrated.
Classes meet weekly and run 120 minutes on Zoom with a maximum of nine participants.
A free ten minute conversation over the phone is required before enrolling.
The Three Crowns of Italian Literature:
Dante Alighieri
Francesco Petrarca
Giovanni Boccaccio
Reading and commentary of La Divina Commedia, Il Canzoniere, and the Decameron in the original language. This series of studies explores the opera magna of Italian Literature through an analysis of their biographies within the social, political, and philosophical context of the late Middle Ages.
We will spend ten sessions in the company of each poet.
Classes meet weekly and run 120 minutes on Zoom with a maximum of nine participants.
A free ten minute conversation over the phone is required before enrolling.
Language Acquisition:
Group and private classes
Minimum of ten sessions
A free ten minute conversation over the phone is required prior to enrolling.